Anzali's Breakwater

Value Engineering of Development Facility project in Anzali Seaport breakwater

Value engineering methods during the past few decades are used in order to optimize the desired business results from the project and reduction of the costs in the various branches of engineering and have shown its efficiency. General basis of this method is increase the value number of projects that is defined as the cost performance ratio.

In order to determine the value of the primary design and improved it, its obligation to reach a common scale for comparing projects needs. This comparison is clear in the costs but it is quantifiable in the part based on procurement of the identified needs based on introduction of detailed design functions and satisfaction of each of the stakeholders' demands.

This requires good technical understanding of various functions of the foreshore and knowledge of value engineering. Methods used in the present study for the first time is the way of determining the value by focusing on all stakeholders.


In this method, by regarding to the fact that the amount of project value can be obtained with different methods based on the weighted functions of the different views of different customers, determining different stakeholders and significance of each factor, is very important.



Stakeholders identified in Task Force Value Engineering:

1. Client

2. project contractor

3. exploiter

4. Environment organization

5. Urban Collection

6. tows

7. Input vessels



Proposed options to increase the value of project:


Using techniques used in the application of value engineering and technical experience in different parts of the project, various options will be presented to increase the value. In this context, the cost of implementation in different sectors have been studied and the analysis of the value of each option and the number of design values are calculated .

• Changes in foreshore plan

• Plan review wall crown

• Change Dyke extraction runtime and removal of dredged and raw land


Conclusion and Summary:


Using value engineering in designing Anzali's breakwater ,generally, while increasing level of needs' procurement (based on the functions of each section) up to 10 percent, reduced costs up to about 15 percent of its executive (regarding to the executive costs of project, this number is substantial), and ultimately increased the value of design up to 31 percent. However, the benefit of using the value engineering, shows in its efficiency results


Employer: PMO

Value Consulting: Consulting Engineers, Karan Saze Pasargad

Amount treaty blueprint: 5 hundreds and one milliard Rials

Number value sketch: a hundred and twenty five